Friday, November 7, 2008

The Most Respectful Student Award

Yesterday, when I picked Nathan up from school he had a huge smile across his face. I knew something good had happened to him by his face. He said " I don't know how something this great could happen to me!" Well what happened? "I got a respect award" I still wasn't quite sure what he was talking about. Luckily about that time his teacher came over and told me he was chosen as this quarters most respectful student and he got a gift card to office max and his picture would be in the school news letter.

When we got to the car he told me that he wanted to use his gift card to buy something for his school instead of for him. I hope he never looses that loving, giving heart he has.


Anonymous said...

That boy just keeps on keeping on! It's no wonder that we all are so proud of him.

Great Grandma

Robin said...

That's awesome! We always tell our kids when they receive character awards that their character is more important than their grades. Keep it up Nathan!

Don said...

Yay Nathan!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Nathan!! So glad that you are learning well from your mom and dad and family! Keep that great heart of love, you will go a long way!
Patty and Jesse

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Carrie!