Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Plaid Boys and a Pink Princess

Nathan was always such a mommy's boy growing up. He followed me around like my little shadow. I have felt like a part of me is missing this last week with him in kindergarten. Without thinking, I would turn around and look for him. It is hard to believe my baby is old enough to be in school all day long now.

As he has grown older, over the last six months, he has started to become a Daddy's boy now. He now has started following Brian around the house instead of me. He loves being Daddy's little helper and loves for them to build things together. They have built some pretty elaborate Lego projects together lately. He was so excited that Daddy and him could wear the same outfit that I decided to take a picture of my boys.

It is scary to think in a few more years, Nathan will change again. He will no longer want to be seen in public with Brian and I. My friends have also shared with me that he will soon reach a stage where Brian and I don't know anything anymore. Fun times to look forward to! Maybe not our Nathan...we can only hope.



Unknown said...

Hi Brian,Carrie,Lauren & Nathan, I just received your blog sight. It will be great to be kept up to date on Lauren and Nathan. I love the pictures! Congrats on L.I.F.E.'s 1st year anniversay. I'm so proud of all your accomplishments. Love, Aunt Carolyn

Anonymous said...

It is amazing how big our boys are already! Where did the time go?

Gma L said...

And Daddy will always be a good example for his new little shadow. Isn't it odd, how they all seem to follow the same pattern--Mommy until about five years old, then Daddy's shadow until girl time. By then, they know more that Mommy and Daddy together.

No, not our Nathan!